Thursday, October 11, 2012

Little Bits and Pieces

It has been a bit quiet at the house build in the last 4 days.  I did notice however, that the Hebel has been delivered to the site and a couple more windows have been put in. 
I am trying to be patient, but it is so hard.  I just want to move into my new completed house NOW :).


  1. Unfortunately Lyndall, now comes the l o n g stretch. It all seems to zoom along until you reach lock-up stage and then everything seems to move at a Snails Pace from then until completion, but there is one certainty chickie it WILL happen and before you know you'll be in. Can't say I want to wish Time away but having been in this very place myself twice b4, I am really understanding where you are coming from. Just keep
    busy as you always are and I'm sure the time will fly.
    love Bev...xoxo
